Solar Pond Aerators Kits
Why Choose
AquaJet Solar Kits
16 Years
Industry Experience
1 Year
Component Warranty
Pre Sized
& Designed Systems
Why Use Solar Aeration?
Water Aeration helps keep your pond / non moving water aerated and clean! Aeration (also called aerification) is the process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance.
- How was this product developed? Our AquaJet Aeration kit was designed and developed in upstate New York at our very own farm which had several stagnant ponds around the property.
Types of Aeration:
- FountainsFountains aerate by pulling water from the surface of the water (usually the first 1–2 feet) and propelling it into the air. Some fountains incorporate the use of a draft tube, which extends deeper and is able to pull water from approximately six feet below the surface, so as to achieve more water circulation.
- Floating surface aeratorsFloating surface aerators work in a similar manner to fountains, but they do not offer the same aesthetic appearance. They extract water from the first 1–2 feet of the water body and utilize air-water contact to transfer oxygen. Instead of propelling water into the air, they disrupt the water at the water surface. Floating surface aerators are also powered by on-shore electricity. Surface aerators are limited to a small area as they are unable to add circulation or oxygen to much more than a 3 metre radius. This circulation and oxygenating is then limited to the first portion of the water column, often leaving the bottom portions unaffected.
Solar Aerator Kit Design Tips
If you are trying to aerate a large volume of water (a small pond), simple locate the AquaJet aerator 10 ft apart around the perimiter of the pond.
- Place your solar panel in a safe place! Lawnmovers can be our enemy when it comes to cutting the wire between your solar panel and aerator unit. Be sure to place your cables and solar panel safely out of the way.
- Winter Time! Bring your aerator kit inside during the winter! Snow and cold weather will reduce the lifespan of your aerator kit.