What is the life span of solar panels?
Under the energy crisis nowadays, solar energy become one of the most sustainable energy in the world. To convert the sunshine into real energy and electricity, we need to use some tools – That is solar panels. The photovoltaic panel is one of the most common used solar panel in the world. With the development of the technology, a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel usually have a life expectancy of 20-40 years.
“20-40 years? Is it possible?” Some people would ask similar questions, but the fact is, if we put enough care and maintenance on them, photovoltaic solar panels can easily has a 40 years life expectancy. Although the performance and efficient would decline when the solar panels get older, but it is not even a noticeable degeneration.
Some photovoltaic solar panels can still able to produce more than 75% – 85% of original power after 40 years if it have been take care properly.
So next time, whenever someone said solar panel is not durable, you could tell him/her the truth and let more people know about the sustainability of solar energy.