SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT is specifically designedrnfor your solar thermal application with 30% less viscosity at lowerrntemperatures and better thermal stability at higher temperatures (up to 350 °F)rnthan other glycols SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT is a domestically produced,rnnontoxic, renewably sourced fluid.
SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT completes your sustainable or green applicationrnwhile possessing similar or better physical properties compared to ethylene andrnpropylene glycol fluids. SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT offers betterrnperformance than propylene glycol, while giving its users an environmentallyrnfriendly product than ethylene glycol.
The production of SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT emits 40% less green houserngases and uses 20% less energy to produce the propylene glycol. Unlike yourrntypical propylene or ethylene glycol which is made from foreign oil or naturalrngas, SunMaxx Solar Glycol XT is made from sustainable, bio-based rawrnmaterials.