Sizing Your SunMaxx Solar Pool Heater
There are many different ways to size your Solar Pool Heating System. There are also some important questions that you need to answer in order to properly size your Solar Pool Heater and determine if a Solar Pool Heater is right for you
First, ask yourself and answer these questions
Where will I Mount my Solar Collectors?
Chances are your roof is perfect for mounting your solar collectors. Typically a roof with a pitch of 20 – 32 degrees is ideal for mounting your Solar Collectors. Additionally, your roof should be open from shading for as much of the day as possible, and should face South. If your roof’s pitch is too low, you can also mount the SunMaxx Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors that come with your Solar Pool Heater on Tilt Mount Hardware to increase the installation angle.
When is my Roof Adequate for Mounting Solar Collectors?
As long as you have enough un-shaded area on your roof that is south facing for the Solar Collectors to fit on, your roof is adequate for mounting on.
What if There is Not Enough Adequate Area on my Roof?
If you do not have enough un-shaded area on your roof, you can also use ground or pole mounting hardware to mount your Solar Collectors on the ground closer to your pool, or in an area that receives better sunlight, and faces more directly south.
How Much Sunlight is Needed?
Honestly, you want as much as possible. Try to find an installation location that is un-shaded from about 9 or 10 in the mo ing until after 4 or 5 in the afte oon. This will help you get the most performance and efficiency out of your Solar Pool Heater, and makes it as cost-effective as possible.
How do I Size my Solar Pool Heater?
There are literally hundreds of methods to size your Solar Pool Heater, but we recommend the following method for its ease and quickness.
Typically speaking, your Solar Pool Heater should have an area that is between 50 and 100% of the area of your pool. In Northe , colder, cloudier climates, many people use a higher ratio. Additionally, a large collector area will allow for longer swimming seasons that systems that are sized smaller.
Length of your Pool __________ x Width of Your Pool __________ = Area of Your Pool (sq ft)
Area of SunMaxx-FP Flat Plate Solar Collector: 19.8 sq ft
Area of SunMaxx-25 Evacuated Tube Solar Collector: 25.2 sq ft
Area of your Pool __________ / Area of Solar Collector ___________ = Number of Solar Collectors
- Pool Length: 12 feet
- Pool Width: 8 feet
- Pool Area: 98 Sq Ft
This pool would require:
- 4 SunMaxx-25 Evacuated Tube Collectors (SunMaxx-25-Pool-2 + 2 additional collectors)
- Or 5 SunMaxx-FP Flat Plate Collectors (SunMaxx-FP-Pool-2 + 3 additional collectors)
While our Pre-Packaged SunMaxx Solar Pool Heaters are perfectly sized for heating most residential pools in backyards throughout America, for larger resort/hotel or Municipal pool applications, a much larger SunMaxx Pool Heater System may be required. We recommend that you speak with a SunMaxx Sales Representative about the needs of your particular application.
Other Notes and Recommendations:
SunMaxx Strongly recommends that customers purchasing a Solar Pool Heater use a Pool Cover (Solar or Not) at all times when their pool is not in use.