Save Money and Save our Planet by go solar with Silicon Solar TruPower AC Grid-Tied Solar Kits!
Ready to save money? With a solar system installed on your home or business, you can start saving dollars from day one. No longer worry about rising electricity costs from your utility company, because you will be producing your own electricity for free! Silicon Solar’s Grid-Tie Solar Kits are specially designed and sized to meet your exact electricity needs, so you can start saving on monthly electric bills and increase your property value. You can even generate income by selling back excess power to your utility company through net metering and feed-in tariffs. Each Grid-Tie System from Silicon Solar powers directly back to your utility grid, allowing you to earn money from your utility company on a per watt basis.
Grid-Tied Solar Kits are solar energy kits designed to deliver some, most, or all of the power that is required by your family or business. These systems can power all of the appliances, necessities, and comforts within your home, office, or building.
Making your electricity from a solar power system will more than pay you back the purchase price. Silicon Solar will be glad to offer consulting and guidance on how much you can expect to save and an estimated payback period for your solar investment.
Self-installation is simple with our solar photovoltaic module systems because we provide all necessary components needed for performing the process. By purchasing your solar system directly through a manufacturer like Silicon Solar, you can cut out the middleman charges. We understand the complexity of installing solar systems and are here to help you with your process, without charging you for it. Talk to a solar PV specialist today and save thousands on your materials and installation (1-800-786-0329) or check out to learn more about Grid-Tie System.
So what do you need for a Grid-Tie solar panel system for your building? And what is included in the Grid-Tie kit? Your grid tie solar kit will feature several critical components, including high-efficiency solar panels, a DC-AC inverter, and solar panel mounting hardware, pre-cut wiring runs, solar wiring combiner box, and breakers. Highly efficient panels allow for maximum conversion of the sun’s energy to usable electricity. The DC-AC inverter will convert the Direct Current (DC) power from the sun to AC power that can be used right out of your electric outlets for your appliances and electronics.
Silicon Solar provides a 30 year power guarantee and 10 year component warranty on the TruPower solar panels. We offer the longest power guarantee in the industry to ensure long-life power generating systems and a respectable return on investment.