65 Gallon Solar Hot Water Tank – 2 Heat Exchangers
ans-serif;”>SunMaxx”srnStorMaxxDw series all plastic jacketed water heaters combinernHydrastone, the most effective method of preventing corrosion, withrnfoam the most efficient material for preventing heat loss.
ThernSunMaxx Hydrastone-lined solar water heater offers a unique combinationrnof features that make it the best choice for use with solar systems.rnThe StorMaxxDW Solar water heater allows fluid from the solarrncollectors to circulate through a 20 square foot Solar Removable heatrnexchanger within the tank itself. The submerged heat exchanger providesrnthe highest efficiency while saving space, installation time, andrnadditional costs associated with a separate external heat exchanger.
‘ans-serif;”>SunMaxx”srnStorMaxxDw series all plastic jacketed water heaters combinernHydrastone, the most effective method of preventing corrosion, withrnfoam the most efficient material for preventing heat loss.
ThernSunMaxx Hydrastone-lined solar water heater offers a unique combinationrnof features that make it the best choice for use with solar systems.rnThe StorMaxxDW Solar water heater allows fluid from the solarrncollectors to circulate through a 20 square foot Solar Removable heatrnexchanger within the tank itself. The submerged heat exchanger providesrnthe highest efficiency while saving space, installation time, andrnadditional costs associated with a separate external heat exchanger.