Interested in learning more about grid tie and off grid systems? We provide turn key grid tie and off grid solar electric systems.
On Grid Solar
On-grid means your solar system is tied to your local utility company’s system. This is what most residential homes will use because you are covered if your solar system under or over-produces in regard to your varying energy needs. All this means for you is that your utility system acts as your battery space. If you are producing more energy with your solar panels or system than you are using, the excess energy is sent to your grid’s power company, allowing you to build credit that you can cash out with at the end of the year, in a process called net metering. Being grid-tied is beneficial because you don’t have to buy an expensive battery back-up system to store any excess energy.
Off Grid Solar
Being off-grid means you are not connected in any way to your grid’s power system or utility company. This is appealing because you are 100% self-sustaining your energy use. However, there are disadvantages because off-grid systems require you to purchase back-up battery which can be expensive, bulky, and not very environmentally friendly which defeats the purpose of going solar (save money and live greener). RV Solar kits are a grid example of off grid solar.
Hybrid Solar Battery System
Hybrid systems combine both the concept of off grid and on grid together for an easy “plug and play” solution. The goal with hybrid systems is to help reduce your peak energy consumption during the day. With more utilities shifting to an on demand pricing framework (means you pay more when energy is in higher demand), the cost efficiency of solar + batteries starts to make sense.