Author - Adam

Solar Labs

Solar Labs are a great resource for teachers who want to introduce solar technology into their curriculum. These labs are designed for both Solar Electric System (Photovoltaic) and Solar Hot Water System (Thermal) education.

Where are our commercial and broken cells manufactured?

Our commercial and broken cells are manufactured overseas. Right now 80% of solar products are manufactured overseas, making it more difficult to acquire domestic products.

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels collect the sun's energy in the form of photons and converts them to DC voltage, which becomes usable electricity.   The DC voltage is converted to AC power through the work of an inverter, which is usually mounted next to your electric panel.  Through a breaker in your electric panel, this AC power is connected to the electrical loads your home receives and uses.

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Looking for an innovative billboard/sign lighting system to brighten things up? Go Solar with one of the best, Silicon Solar’s Envirolight Solar Billboard/Sign Lighting Kit!

Can a billboard/sign lighting system really go Solar? And what's so special about the Envirolight Solar Billboard/Sign Lighting kit? Yes, a billboard/sign lighting system can go Solar! The Envirolight Billboard/Sign Solar Lighting Kit will give more than enough light to make your billboard/sign shine bright and clear throughout the dark hours as the Sun goes to sleep . There are many fantastic attributes in the Solar Billboard/Sign Lighting Envirolight that make it an amazing product, the former being one of...